Each 1 gm contains:
Amprolium (as Amprolium HCI) 200 mg.
Amprolium is an anticoccidial agent that acts as competitive inhibitor of thiamine in the parasite metabolism, and interferes with the metabolism of glucides necessaries for coccidian multiplication and survival. In in-vitro studies it was shown that the uptake of thiamine by schizonts of Eimeria tenella and by host intestinal cells can occur through passive diffusion or by an active, energy-and ph-dependent process. Amprolium competitively inhibited both systems, however, the parasite was shown to be more sensitive to amprolium than the host.As shown with Eimeria maxima inoculated chicken, the administration of Amprolium resulted in a proportion of morphologically abnormal macrogametes and oocysts which may be considered the reason for a reduced sporulation rate.
Intestinal coccidiosis caused by Eimeria spp susceptible to amprolium (E. tenella-E. necatrix- E.acervulina-E .brunetti-E. maxima-E mitis-E praecox-E. hagani and E. mivati in chickens) and (E .adenoides, E. dispersa, E. gallopavonis, and E. meleagrimitis in turkeys).
Chickens (broilers, pullets, layers, breeder hens) and turkeys.
Route of administration: Orally via drinking water.
For active ingredient:
– 20 mg amprolium / kg b.wt. per day for 5-7 consecutive days.
For whole product:
-1 gm of product /1Liter drinking water per day for 5-7 days.
• As with any anti parasiticide, frequent and repeated use of anti protozoals from the same class may lead to the development of resistance.
• In case of detection a lack of efficacy during treatment, communicate it to the national competent authorities
Special precautions for use in animals:
• The product is not intended for a preventive use.
• This product should be reserved in case of coccidiosis outbreaks due to non-availability of vaccine, in case of lack of efficacy of vaccine and in vaccinated flocks if a severe coccidial challenge is diagnosed before immunity has fully developed.
Special precautions to be taken by the person administering the veterinary medicinal product to animals:
• This is an irritant and corrosive product. It could cause airway, eye and skin irritation. Wear impervious gloves and protective glasses when handling the product.
• The selected protective gloves have to be wearied.
• Avoid inhalation of vapors.
• Avoid contact with the skin and eyes. In the case of contact with skin or eyes, wash the affected area with clean running water immediately and remove any contaminated clothes. If irritation persists, seek medical advice and show the package leaflet to the doctor.
• This product is harmful when ingested. In case of accidental ingestion, rinse the mouth with fresh water, seek medical advice immediately and show the label to the doctor.
• Person with known hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of excipients should avoid contact with the product.
• Wash hands and exposed skin after use.
Use during pregnancy, lactation or lay:
• Studies in laboratory animals have not produced any evidence of teratogenic effects. The safety of amprolium has not been investigated in laying birds. Use only according to the risk/benefit assessment by the responsible veterinarian
• Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.
• Amprolium is a thiamine analogue. Therefore, the efficacy of amprolium may be reduced during a simultaneous administration of products containing vitamin B-complex.
• None known
• Prolonged uses can produce thiamine deficiencies.
• Should symptoms appear, thiamine must be administered
Chickens (broilers, pullets, layers, breeder hens) and Turkeys:
– Meat and offal: Zero days.
– Eggs: Zero days.
• Store at temperature not more than 30°C
• Used immediately after opening & after reconstitution.
• Keep out from reach of children.
100,250,500 and1000 gm plastic jar.