Each 1gm contains:
Chlortetracycline hydrochloride 950 mg
(Eq. to Chlortetracycline base 882.8 mg)
Chlortetracycline is a tetracycline bacteriostatic antibiotic. It inhibits protein synthesis by binding to 30S subunit of the bacterial ribosome. They have a broad spectrum of activity, which includes gram positive bacteria (Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., S.aureus), gram negative bacteria (Haemophilus spp., Pasteurella spp., Pseudomonas spp., E.coli, Salmonella spp., Enterobacter spp.) and Mycoplasma spp.
– Staphylococcosis associated with S.aureus.
– Fowl cholera associated with P.multocida.
– Coryza associated with H.paragallinarum.
– Sallmonellosis associated with Salmonella spp.
– Non-specific bacterial enteritis associated with E.coli.
– Mycoplasmosis associated with Mycoplasma spp, especially when complicated by secondary infection caused by E.coli.
Broiler chickens.
Route of administration: Orally via drinking water.
For whole product: 2.3 gm – 5.7 gm / 10 liters daily. For 2 – 5 days
-Continue treatment until symptoms are relieved.
– The tetracyclines are relatively safe drugs but severe liver damage can follow overdosage in birds.
– Chlortetracycline may cause diarrhea.
Broiler chickens: 7 days.
– Do not use in birds producing eggs for human consumption.
– Do not administer to ruminants.
– Not to be administered with feed.
Store at temperature not exceeding 30°C, in dry place and used immediately after opening
Plastic Jar 100, 250, 500, 1000gm. 5 and 10 kg