Solution For Injection
For Veterinary Use Only
Solution For Injection
For Veterinary Use Only
Each 1 ml contains:
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate 5 mg
Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid. It is a potent synthetic glucocorticoid which is 30-35 times as potent as cortisol as an anti-inflammatory agent. The mechanism by which corticosteroids exert their effect at cellular level remains unclear however several mechanisms have been proposed. There is evidence that corticosteroids are able to de-repress transcription of DNA to mRNA in the target cell nucleus. Other mechanisms proposed for the action of corticosteroids include boosting of cellular levels of cyclic AMP made possible by steroid inhibition of phosphodiesterases which would otherwise metabolize cyclic AMP. Some of the anti-inflammatory activity of corticosteroids could be due to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by suppression of the release of, the arachidonate prostaglandin precursor, from cell membrane.
Cattle & Horse:
For the treatment of orthopaedic conditions, dermatoses and allergies
For ketosis and induction of parturition in cows.
Horse, cattle & cows.
Route of administration: Intramuscular (I/M) or Intravenous (I/V) injection
For whole product:
Cattle& Horse: 2-4 ml of product / 450 kg b.wt this dosage repeat after 48 hours.
Cows: 1 ml/100 kg b.wt. as single dose.
-Use with caution during pregnancy, especially during last trimester, unless induction of parturition in cattle is required.
-Corticosteroids are not recommended for use in pregnant animals. Administration in early pregnancy is known to have caused fetal abnormalities in laboratory animals.
-Administration in late pregnancy may cause early parturition or abortion.
-Not to be used in veal calves
-Not used in new born pet animals
-This product contraindicated for use in animals with latent or suspected infectious disease unless accompanied by affective antibiotic therapy.
-This product contraindicated for use in animals with diabetes mellitus, cardiac diseases or renal diseases.
-This product contraindicated for use in horses with laminitis.
-Steroids themselves, during treatment, may cause Cushingoid symptoms involving significant alteration of fat, carbohydrate, protein and mineral metabolism e.g. redistribution of body fat, muscle weakness and wastage and osteoporosis may result. During therapy effective doses suppress the Hypothalamo-Pituitreal-Adrenal axis.
– Following cessation of treatment, symptoms of adrenal insufficiency extending to adrenocorticol atrophy can arise and this may render the animal unable to deal adequately with stressful situations. Consideration should therefore be given to means of minimizing problems of adrenal insufficiency following the withdrawal of treatment, e.g. a gradual reduction of dosage.
-Polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia, particularly during the early stages of therapy. Some corticosteroids may cause sodium and water retention and hypokalemia in long-term use.
-Systemic corticosteroids have caused deposition of calcium in the skin (calcinosis cutis). Corticosteroids may delay wound healing and the immunosuppressant actions.
-Gastrointestinal ulceration has been reported in animals treated with corticosteroids.
Cattle & Horse:
Meat : do not use less than 10 days before slaughter for human consumption
Milk: collected within 72 hours following treatment must not be used for human consumption or processing or fed to bobby calves ( Veal Calves ).
Store at a temperature not exceeding 30°C and used immediately after opening.
Carton Box contains Colorless glass (Type II) vials containing 50 and 100 ml solution closed with bromobutyl rubber stopper and non-re-usable aluminum closures with an outer label and insert Leaflet ..