Each 1 kg contains:
Decoquinate 60 gm
Decoquinate is a 4-hydroxyquinoline antiprotozoal compound active against Eimeria spp. and Toxoplasma spp. It inhibits the development of coccidia in the small intestine in the early part of the infective cycle, resulting in lower morbidity and mortality. The exact mode of action is unknown. The drug is administered by the oral route, the main site of action being within the gastro-intestinal tract. It is poorly absorbed by the target species and is largely eliminated in faeces.
• Broiler chickens: It is used for prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella, E.necatrix, E.acervulline, E.mivati, E.maxima and E.brunetti.
• Lambs: It is used for treatment and Prevention Coccidiosis caused by E.crandallis and E.ovinoidolis .
• Calves: It is used for treatment and Prevention Coccidiosis caused by E.zuernii, E. bovis, and E. auburnensis.
Broiler chickens – Calves – Lambs.
• Prevention of coccidiosis in Broiler chickens:
500 g of product/ton feed. Feed continuously from day-old to slaughter. (0.5 gm/kg.feed).
• Treatment of coccidiosis in lambs and calves and prevention of coccidiosis in lambs:
166 gm of product / ton feed. Feed daily to at least 28 days. (0.17 gm / kg feed)
• Prevention of coccidiosis in calves:
83.33 gm of product / ton feed. Feed daily to at least 28 days (0.083 gm / kg feed)
-Feed intake will depend on the clinical situation of the animal and on the season of the year. To ensure a correct dose, the concentration of active ingredient in the feed must be adjusted according daily feed intake.
• The use of the product will maintain normal growth under conditions of coccidial challenge but does not improve growth of healthy lambs or calves.
Special precautions for use:
• To help obtain even distribution in the final feed, it is recommended first to mix thoroughly at the rate of1part of the product to 3 parts of feed before blending into the final mix.
• In the preparation of pelleted feed, preconditioning temperatures of up to 80°C for short periods have been used and shown to have no effect on the product.
• A manufacturer authorized to incorporate at levels below 2 kg per ton must be responsible for mixing when incorporation is less than 2 kg per ton of final feed
• Should not be mixed with rations containing bentonite. Bentonite is a type of clay that is used as a compacting and dispersing agent in some feeds. This Is not because bentonite interferes with the activity of Product in the feed, but because it interferes with the assay method. Simply put, samples of feed containing. bentonite and Conadeqtiros would not assay properly. Therefore, feed formulations containing bentonite should be avoided.
• Special precautions for use in animals :
Medication of ewe rations may not prevent coccidiosis occurring in lambs and should only be given in conjunction with lamb medication.
• Special precautions to be taken by the person administering the veterinary medicinal product to animals :
– When handling the product, prevent direct contact with the skin, avoid inhaling dust and wash hands after use.
– Do not eat, drink or smoke when handling the product. Only handle in a well ventilated area.
• Other precautions:
– This product is only authorised for use in medicated feedingstuffs or premixtures.
– In both cases it must be thoroughly mixed with feedingstuffs materials to ensure it is evenly distributed throughout the mixture .
– Any premixture containing this product must be thoroughly mixed with feedingstuffs materials to ensure that is evenly distributed throughout the final feed.
• Use during pregnancy, lactation or lay:
– Pregnancy: Can be used during pregnancy.
– Lactation: Can be used during lactation.
• Special precautions for the disposal of unused veterinary medicinal product or waste materials derived from the use of such products:
– Any unused veterinary medicinal product or waste materials derived from such veterinary medicinal products should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.
• Major incompatibilities:
– In the absence of compatibility studies, this veterinary medicinal product must not be mixed with other veterinary medicinal products.
• Drug drug interactions:
-Do not mix with or into feeds containing any other anti-coccidial product.
• Do not mix with or into feeds containing any other anticoccidial.
• Do not use in cases of hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.
• Do not use in laying hens.
• None known.
Overdose (symptoms, emergency procedures, antidotes), if necessary:
•Overdosage is unlikely with in-feed medication. Decoquinate dosages of 4 mg/kg bodyweight in sheep and lambs and 6 mg/kg bodyweight in calves have been found to be well tolerated and without observable side effects.
• Calves – Lambs:
-Meat and offal: zero days.
-Milk: Not authorised for use in animals producing milk for human consumption
• Broiler chickens:
Meat: Zero (0) days
Eggs: Do not use in chickens which are producing or may in the future produce eggs or egg products which may be used or processed for human consumption.
• Store at temperature not exceeding 30°C in dry place.
HDPE White opaque plastic jar contains LDPE colorless plastic bag contains 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 or 25000 g powder tightened with LDPE white opaque plastic seal strip and the jar covered by HDPE white opaque plastic cap with HDPE safety seal with outer label