Each 1 ml contains:
Streptomycin Sulfate …. ………… 150 mg
-Dihydrostreptomycin Sulfate ……..150 mg
Streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin are antibacterial of Aminoglycoside group.
Streptomycin is a member of the amino glycoside group of antibiotics and is thought to act by entering the bacterial cell and combining irreversibly with ribosomal RNA. This combination interferes with protein synthesis including misreading of the amino-acid sequence and premature termination of the protein chain, resulting in the death of the bacteria.This product Is active against a wide range of Gram-negative organisms and some Gram–positive pathogens . It is indicated in the treatment of organisms sensitive to streptomycin . Among the more sensitive to streptomycin in Vitro are Actinobacillus equuli, A. lignieresii, Actinomyces bovis, Brucella spp, E. coli, Haemophilus spp, Klebsiella spp, Leptospira canicola and L. ictero-haemorrhagiae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and some species of Proteus, Pasteurella and Salmonella.
For treatment of:
Wooden tongue caused by Actinobacillus lignieresii.*
Leptospirosis caused by Leptospira Pomona.*
Campylobacter abortion caused by C.fetus and C.jejuni.*
Leptospira abortion caused by L. hardjo and L.pomona
Cattle & Sheep.
Route : by intramuscular injection only.
10 mg of active ingredients/kg.b.wt.
1 ml of product/30 kg.b.wt. for a maximum 3 days.
Excessive and prolonged administration can lead to interference with balance and hearing. In extreme cases the damage can be permanent. Cats are the most susceptible animals.
Cattle (Meat & Offal): 14 days
Cattle (Milk):48 hours
Sheep (Meat & Offal): 14 days
Sheep (Milk): Do not use in sheep producing milk intended for human consumption.
glass vial: 50, 100,250ml.